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  • Writer's pictureBoy Hultink

Moving to a new country

Is that a challenge or a gift? Or maybe both?

Marleen & Boy have shared their personal experience and also have some useful tips and tricks at hand.

Marleen: When moving to a new country, it can be challenging to adjust to a new housing market, banking system and visa paperwork. However, I am grateful for the tremendous amount of support that I received from SupportForce during my move. Throughout this process, there was always someone to assist me or address my questions.

I love that in Meppel, people find a balance between everything. Meppel is very picturesque, but it's also quiet, with lots of forests and open spaces. At work, my colleagues are all smart and hard-working, yet personable and kind. They're also willing to help each other.

Living abroad has helped me grow my self-awareness, international mindset and adaptability. I enjoy the difference in perception and ways of thinking when talking to people. I also love getting to know new things and challenging my deep-rooted assumptions. An interesting cultural difference I experienced is that people tend to hang out at bars after work instead of grabbing a bite to eat on the street.

Besides that, I suggest you enjoy yourself. Enjoy the butterflies in your stomach when you find out you are going to move abroad, enjoy learning about a new country, and enjoy the excitement of leaving your comfort zone – it’ll all be worth it, for sure!

Some Quick Guidelines

Boy: Moving abroad can be an exciting experience, but it can also be difficult to adjust. The biggest challenge is often adapting to a new culture and environment. For example, in my experience, it was hard to find an apartment at first when I moved to Italy because many landlords require you to have an Italian bank account, which can take time to open if you don’t already have one!

Another thing to consider is learning a little about Italian culture and customs. You might like some things you discover, such as the food, or learning how to make espresso.

I would recommend living with flatmates because it allows you to meet new people.

I can still remember how excited I was when I arrived in Italy after my drive up there. Moving to a new country is a great experience and you'll feel that way too when you start your new job.

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