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  • Writer's pictureDaniek van Gils

8 original ways to recruit personnel


Work piles up for months on end: emails keep pouring in and projects never seem to end. It's obvious: you need reinforcements. But that new team won't come out of the blue, so recruiting tips are welcome. Looking for advice other than 'share your vacancy on LinkedIn' or 'pay for an ad on a job site'? Then read on quickly for 8 original tips for recruiting staff.

Tip 1: Make a video of your company

This is the way to recruit new staff. You provide information, show what the workplace looks like and give an impression of the atmosphere. So round up the creative minds among your employees and let them help you make a great video that gets everyone excited. For the overall picture, make sure you provide footage of work, but also of company outings. Or do it professionally and hire a video production company. Then you won't have to worry about it either.

Tip 2: Use different social media channels

Naturally, you post your video on social media. But to really get noticed, think beyond Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook. Consider YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. This way, recruiting through social media is much faster, because you reach a broader target group.

Tip 3: Write a fluent but informative vacancy text

Sounds like a catch-all, but you can achieve a lot with a good text if you want to recruit staff. We wrote a blog about job ads ourselves earlier. In a nutshell: address your audience directly, avoid vague terms (nobody likes 'salary in line with the market') and be honest and informative. Chances are the reader will then feel more inclined to apply.

Tip 4: Ask for a creative way to apply

This is not necessarily a way to give your vacancy exposure, but it is a way to find good staff. For example, ask for an application in the form of a video or a visually designed CV. That way, you filter out the applicants who are willing to put in the effort: a good way to recruit motivated and creative staff. So, are you looking for staff for your marketing, entertainment or design company? Then this tip is for you anyway.

Tip 5: Approach schools for enthusiastic start-ups

Fresh graduates are often eager to get into work. So do you want to recruit for junior positions? Then pay a visit to an MBO school, college or university. They often have events for final-year students for orientation to the job market. That's your chance to find enthusiastic staff. And otherwise, of course, you can always put flyers there.

Tip 6: Get your staff involved

Chances are that your employees know someone who is looking for a job. So let them know when you start recruiting and ask if they can recommend people. Are they interested? Then contact them yourself; that way they will feel really wanted. What can also help is a reward. For when your employees recommend someone who actually ends up getting hired.

Tip 7: Advertise where your target group is

That you can advertise to recruit staff may sound logical. You probably know by now how to do it. But where you advertise is just as important. Looking for students? Advertise around schools, at festivals and in cinemas. Do you have an older target group in mind? Then go for supermarkets, along motorways and in old-fashioned newspapers. Think like your target group: if you were one of them looking for a job, when does a staff wanted ad catch your eye? When do you ignore it? And when do you remember it?

Tip 8: Organise an open day

Invite people to your company. This is a great opportunity to recruit staff. You give a guided tour and can organise speed dates as a kind of pre-selection. Do visitors get interested? Then invite them to officially apply. This is a win-win for both parties: the potential new staff get a clear picture of the company and you immediately see who your candidates are.

Feeling motivated to get started with staff recruitment? Remember: standing out is important. Think out-of-the-box and take the time to create a cool, unique recruitment campaign. Because that is how you will attract the most attention.

No time to look for new employees yourself? Feel free to contact SupportForce.EU

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